I have been talking about it for a while now. 6 months actually. I need to do it. I currently have two planned. One is a crow placed upon my upper-leftish chest area. I have a very specific image in my mind what this should look like but currently have a weird mental block about it and cannot put it down on paper. So, number two is where it's at. Number two is a full color panel from The Adventures of Tintin and Snowy. Here are some real crappy images of them.

I think I'm gonna go with the bottom one on my left arm. Opinions? Ideas?
I like the bottom one the best. Composition-wise, I would pick the left shoulder or the left side of your lower back.
I remember you showing me these in your book.
Nice choices man.
Unfortunately, I still have yet to read the Adventure's of Tintin, so I can't speak to representation, but "That Night", it's got a good classic feel.
Square doesn't always go well with the human body. Where are you thinking? Bicep? Forearm?
You should do something on the right side to balance out the rest. Maybe 功夫? But then again, you'd have a "kanji tattoo" which you may want to avoid, even if it doesn't say, "Void if seal is broken", or similar.
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