I am in the worst shape of my life. My back is constantly achy, I am winded after running a few blocks, I am the heaviest I have ever weighed, and today I went to touch my toes, and I could only palm the floor with my arms out straight. I usually can palm the floor with my elbows bent significantly. I feel gross. I blame winter break. When I am in school I usually bike everyday, eat right(ish), and have a schedule in which to place a time for working out. During winter break I stopped doing all of these, caused mostly by the two weeks or so of winter weather.
The problem is that I am having a hard time getting back on track. I have been taking the bus to school more than I need to, eating out at restaurants WAY too much, and have just been lazy in general about taking care of myself. A few things are helping me though. I am enrolled in two kung fu classes at PSU, that right there is a mandatory four hours of working out a week. I also bought a kettle bell and have (slowly) begun to use it. Plus there's the usual Kung Fu classes that I go to. I just need to put more effort into all of these things. If I just ride my bike every day and go to all kung fu classes, that comes out to about 10 hours of working out a week. I just need to add my own work out schedule (Kettle bell, shadow boxing, forms training) on top of that. The reason for this is that I love food. I have a very hard time not eating lots of very good (read: fatty) food all the time. It's what keeps me happy. Dieting is not a reality for me so a decent amount of physical activity is a must.

I did, however, come to a draw with my dad at arm wrestling today. No easy feat, let me tell you.
1 comment:
Your dad has some sort of secret government project grafted to his arms, I swear. That's very impressive.
As I understand it, if you keep up a high level of physical activity, but still intake more calories than you use, you tend to put on muscle.
I'm the same way. As long as I don't eat way too much, and keep active, I slowly lose excess fat. But something always seems to come along and trip me up completely.
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