So. The class that Post-Apocalyptic Hobo Eli was talking about in the Blog-0-Vision post is what is called a University Studies Sophomore Inquiry (SI). Basically it's a class that every PSU student MUST take in order to graduate. In fact, one must take it THREE times. Ideally, in a student's sophomore year they will take three SI's, all of varying topics and disciplines. They will then choose one of those topics and pursue it throughout their Junior year. When I first came to PSU in the Fall of 2005 I had to take what is called a Transfer/Transition course, which is essentially an SI designed for students with a certain amount of transferring credits. I had nearly the fewest transferable credits allowable for this status without having to take a Freshman Inquiry. Essentially what this meant is that I would take this Transfer/Transition course THEN I would be a sophomore, meaning I would need three SI classes (12 credits). So, I took the Transfer/Transition class (19th century studies in the Fall term) and two SIs (Environmental Sustainability and Popular Culture, Winter and spring term respectively). Come the next Fall term, I couldn't find any appropriate SIs to fit in my schedule so I just continued on to my Junior Clusters (three terms of different classes based upon one of my SI topics, I chose Environmental Sustainability). This meant that I had a dangling SI to complete, a fact I decided to forget about.
Until this Fall when an Academic Advisor decided to be a real dick and remind me. I decide to put it off one more term and pursue my Senior Capstone, the final stage of the University Studies series. The class I chose for that largely involved volunteering out at Tryon Creek State Park, a wholly rewarding experience, perhaps I will discuss it in this space in the future. Anyway, this term I decided to tackle my remaining SI. I was apprehensive about this for several reasons:
For one, by nature these classes mixed students from many academic disciplines. Now, this is supposed to be a good thing, bringing varied ideologies and skill sets into the classroom; I found that it instead exposed me to a bunch of idiots. I am perhaps being facetious, but what do I, an art major with mellow, liberal views, and a Right Wing, ROTC, Business Management Major have to say to each other regarding clear cutting in old growth forests? Nothing. Our minds are made up. This real situation led to some arrogant scoffing on my part, and spittle flecked bellowing on his.
Secondly, SIs have what are called "Mentor Sessions," a period of fifty minutes once or twice a week in which a small group of students meets with the class mentor, which is essentially a graduate student wearing the TA hat for free tuition. For me these sessions had been largely positive, allowing individualized attention and expanded looks into some of the more interesting topics from the main class. Despite my luck, these sessions are reportedly quite trying for most of the other students I have talked to at PSU. Basically, my feelings are that I am a Senior and no longer wish to jump through this particular hoop, designed to teach me how to be "a better college student." One of the appealing qualities of the SI that I was trying to get into with Jesse is that it has no mentor session, this was a very big draw for me.
Sooooooo, to get to what I came here today to talk about: I found out on Thursday that I do not need to take a Sophomore Inquiry. This news came during my first mentor session for my backup SI that I was actually registered for. The Mentor, Mariah, casually asked if any of us had taken a transfer/transition class. Looking around I saw that I was the only one holding their hand aloft. She told me that a few weeks ago the University decided to do away with transfer/transition requirements, transforming them into normal Sophomore Inquiry credits. As she relayed this gospel, she rose into the air, cupped by a sacred mandorla, her robes billowed and her hair flowered about her face; a small troupe of putti materialized and played strange horns and harps and hurdy gurdies that worked as censers puffing sweet, honeyed clouds with every note. As she neared the end of her sermon, she reached out and pressed her palm to my brow. Involuntarily a sharp, orgasmic sigh escaped my lips. A great warmness enveloped me and I floated for an eternity in its womb. Observers said that I laid prone, quivering slightly and burbling soft cooing noises from my contented grin.
Let us say that this was good news to hear. I did a little happy dance and pumped my fist like the protagonist from an 80's coming of age movie. People laughed at me. A cute girl said, I shit you not, "aw shucks, I was just getting attached to you." Which doubly made my day.
Here is the problem, this leaves me with only 10 credits and I need at least 12 to keep my financial aid. I only have two or three more classes to get (after this term) and they are all full up or conflict with my other classes. What is a boy to do?
-More to come as it develops-