Friday, February 20, 2009

This is brilliant

So last week I (somewhat accidently) went to class drunk and wrote about it. The guest speaker for that class somehow miraculously found my post. and wrote me this:

"Ps. Curators use the interweb. Can you make a copy of that drawing for me for my next presentation? Drunk or not, thank you for participating. All is well that ends well. Kristan Kennedy"

This just made my day! I am even more shamed than I was before now, but I cannot deny the awesomeness of this happening.
Here is what I wrote to her:

"Amazing. I tip my hat to you for somehow finding my post about your presentation. I am truly sorry that I disrespected both you and Brendan by showing up drunk to class. I did not at all intend to be drunk, it just ended up happening. That, and my tendency to NEVER skip class led to that experience. It was an interesting one, though one I never intend to repeat. I hope I didn't make an ass of myself.

You are absolutely more than welcome to use the image of my notes. here is the picture:

I apologize for the absolutely TERRIBLE portrait of you that I drew. What can I say, I was drunk. I hope there is solace in the fact that I wrote "Awesome Lady" in the arm.

I hope this finds you well,
Eli Gibson

This is quite amusing to me. I hope she feels the same way.

Edit: And here is the reply!


I did not need an apology- I swear. It is a right of passage to stand in front of a class and have someone draw a picture of you while scrawling notes all around. I went to catholic school for twelve years believe me there was alot of material to be mined there. I did not really think it was disrespectful. You live and learn, going drunk to class must be less fun than it seems. Someone else in your class reeked of Pot so it was a party up in that place for sure. Our PR guy at PICA forwarded the post to me because he has google alerts set up for anything related to PICA, all of our names, the institutions names our artists names... so any little bit that gets written about us he tracks. Mostly it is listings for events etc, but, sometimes we get a gem and get a kick out of something or other. I also liked the drawing. It is causing a ruckus on my facebook page as we speak.

Keep well and good luck with your work and your noodles.




remigious said...

Cool story and all, but I kind of see the situation as a reminder of how fucking creepy the internet it and how I should be more careful about what I say! You are so lucky she was cool about it.

Katelyn said...

That is amazing! I'm glad she was so chill but I love that she called you out! The Internet is creepy.

Eliyahu said...

I looked it up, her profile picture on facebook is that picture of my notes.

Robert Wheeler said...

Hahahaha! The intertube is insufficient to convey the hilarity I feel at this situation.

waylon solos said...

you should drunk blog the TBA fest this year.

kalbojehki said...
