So, one of the classes that all PSU art students must take is "Senior Art Seminar." Basically what this class attempts to teach you is how to be a successful artist post-college. In theory this is a great idea. Many of the greatest art schools teach you how to be masterful in your craft, but do not even hint at how to approach a gallery. Senior art seminar teaches a student how to write an artist statement, how to fill out art-related tax forms, how to talk to curators, how to be a grown up in the art world, how to etc. This is all highly valuable information, and I have learned a lot, but it is not highly relevant to me. When I grow up I want to open a noodle shop, Not whore myself on First Thursday. I plan to create art for the rest of my life, but not as a career. Basically what I am saying is that this class is a load of Bollocks.
I am not alone in this opinion.
To take the edge off the class, I suggested that my fellow students and I have a drink before class. My intention was to round the corners, soften the fall, grease the wheels so to speak. Not get shit faced. I got shit faced.
We had a very interesting speaker in our class today. It was Kristan Kennedy, the Visual Art Program Director from PICA. She brought in dozens of rejected artist submissions to their gallery. These were fascinating. I could hardly keep focused. Let me show you the notes I took:
EDIT: I just want to make clear, these notes were about my experience, not the actual class. I wasn't THAT drunk

I regret my choices leading up to this experience. But it was interesting. I thought I would share it here. Please don't chastise me (too much)
TOO! :
Niko made some fresh noodles!
I ate them while writing this post. Check them out:

Not all science is glorious man. Sometimes, you gotta take one for the team.
I, and other Mythbuster inspired scientists around the world, salute you.
Rad. Must have been really scary while it was happening, though.
I generally have an "I can't work or school intoxicated" rule but I've found that I get A's in language classes when I'm stoned for them.
I want fresh ramen, thus I nominate you to reinstate Friday night dinners starting with ramen. FYI I'm free on the 20th! Also, I don't see a a difference in your note taking skills, in fact I think they might improve with intoxication. And it is important that you know that memory can be state dependent making it so that you will recall information better when you are in the same state in which you had the initial experience. Therefore if you need to take take a test in which you must recall information about the lecture you need to take the test shitfaced in order to get the best grade possible. I know your a cheap date but I see this as a potentially expensive proposition for you, I guess it's a good thing your grant proposal was approved.
Katelyn, what makes you think my grant proposal was approved? I haven't heard a peep back from them.
Yeah to what she said about getting stoned before class. It's great. But getting drunk before class would be way too obvious for my liking...
How did you like that chick's presentation? She gave the same presentation in our class...Ben and I were making fun of her.
Live and learn I guess?
Ps. Curators use the interweb. Can you make a copy of that drawing for me for my next presentation? Drunk or not, thank you for participating. All is well that ends well. Kristan Kennedy
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