Robert said weeks ago that he was going to make some Tiramisu for desert. Secretly I scoffed. Tiramisu? Good luck!

I take it back Robert. This shit was superb. Restaurant quality. Fancy Restaurant quality. Seriously. I am WAY jealous that robert still has half a pan of this sitting in his fridge.
Today I went to a JMP reunion potluck. The house made Enchiladas with veggies from their beautiful garden, others made salad, meatballs, brownies, crisps, and I made shrimp fried rice. 'Twas swell. Ida and Aaron (the hosts) forced me to try their homemade Kombucha. I am converted. I used to hate the stuff. I had three glasses. I still think that I will find the brands available at the super market to be terrible and taste like vinegar. I will just have to ninja into their house and steal mason jars full in the middle of the night.
Tomorrow I am going to Tyler's Birthday party/potluck. That will be three potlucks in as many days. wish me luck!
That looks delicious, I'm sorry I missed it, but I'm glad you guys had a good time! I just wanted to go on record as saying I love reading your blog! I think I'm addicted, I check muliple times a day until the latest entry shows up, but I must admit it almost always makes me jealous!! The food, the dreams, all that's missing is the sex, LOL.
I know I ate that there with you, but I think I want it again tonight. It looks so good.
Katelyn, I am glad you enjoy my blog. Here is a tip, I almost always update new posts near midnight. just check once in the morning. And, I would have to be getting some before I could blog about sex.
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