Anyway, Music:
°Saul Williams

Saul Williams got his start as a talented beat poet, taking that world by storm in the early-mid-nineties. He got his big break in the great Independent film Slam. I am not sure how he bridged into music, for his training is in poetry and theatre arts, but I'm glad he did.
Saul Williams is a true genius. Well, at least I think so. Hmm, Let me try again. Saul Williams is a true genius who has made some mistakes. Let us first examine the genius: Williams' first album, Amethyst Rockstar is a modern masterpiece. Powerfully blending his amazing poetry with Hip Hop and Rock, this album fucking shakes you about. Much of the content seems to be about his failed relationship with his daughters mother, and specifically being a father. Though, these themes would probably not be inherent on the first few listen-throughs. What you will probably notice is his sharp commentary on Race, Hip Hop culture, and being human in this world. Amethyst Rockstar is one of my all time favorites. Now the mistakes: Since his first album, each succeeding record he makes seems to get less, well, good. His latest, The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust! is co-produced by Trent Reznor and shows. For some people this was a plus. According to most reviews it was a negative. Now, it should be noted that there are some really kick ass tracks on this record, and I still listen to it frequently, but it is by far some of his weakest work. Don't miss his second, self titled album, quite awesome. LISTEN NOW!

I first heard Talkdemonic while trying to have a nice, quite lunch at PSU with my friend Gavi and girlfriend at the time Amanda. The lunch failed terribly in the nice and quite department. A small band was playing in the room we were dining, producing volumes not usually associated with Viola and squeezebox. This band was Talkdemonic, mere weeks before their saint like ascension into stardom. The band consists of Kevin O'Connor and Lisa Molinaro (who at the time of that lunch concert was just a guest in O'Connor's one man show). Kevin creates some highly appealing beats on his drum kit while Lisa tears it up on the viola. Both musicians heavily utilize loop peddles: Lisa to get some crazy sonic layerings, and Kevin so that he may skillfully jump from one instrument to the next. I was sold when he walked about the room, romantically manipulating a tiny accordion, while his just recorded drum line and lisa jammed on stage. He paused at our table, perhaps perceiving that we needed encouragement in our path to enjoyment. It worked. For Amanda and I at least. You will have to ask Gavi what he thinks. The one potential downside to their music is that their live performances are unfailingly played at deafness inducing volumes. This, of course, completely rocks when you are into that sort of thing, but can ruin a nice luncheon right quick. All three of their albums are required listening. GET STARTED!
1 comment:
I think you should post pictures of yourself slathered in oil.
Good Lord, Eli, something about you brings out the gay in me.
The knife things actually sound interesting. Do that.
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