The Pinch Grip:
With the pinch grip you are moving your hand up the handle and actually holding the body of the blade with the thumb and index finger. This puts your grip right above the knifes balance point making for ease of use.
How you held your knife today:
How you will now hold your knife for the rest of your life:
The Claw:
The claw is the most important part of this equation. The Claw's purpose is double: To remove your fingers from danger and to give the blade a guide. What you are doing is curling your fingers back and resting the side of the knife against your knuckles.
Here, watch this video:
Ugh, that was terrible. The single crappiest video I have ever made, not to mention I am displaying some TERRIBLE knife skills. I really am better than that. I don't know what happened.
No video is showing up for me. :(
It will be up soon, sorry.
Your voice is so manly!!
I don't think "manly" is the word you are looking for. Perhaps "nasally."
Speaking of knives: my parents' big knife that you helped me pick out for them for Christmas is the only knife they've been using now since the 25th, so it is now very dull. Staniel thinks that if he makes dinner for you that you will come sharpen it for him. Is this true?
i like this: "the way you will hold your knives for the rest of your life." you're so ominous. i feel that if i hold my knife improperly, you will find me and punish me somehow.
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