So I got a call yesterday from my friend Weava Weav who gave me the most exciting news: She had free Blazers tickets. EFF YEAH! Her mother in law (not really, it's complicated) had bought tickets for the last three home games and couldn't make it to the last one against the Oklahoma City Thunder, and the tickets ended up in her paws. She is an awesome friend who thought of me to share the two seats with. Not only were they tickets to a sold out Blazers game, they were awesome tickets to a sold out blazers game. $140 tickets. Each. HOORAH!

When we arrived we thought we would have to go up some stairs to find our seats. An usher halted us and directed us down, toward the court. As you can see from the above picture, we were only a handful of rows back from the action. Amazing. Look at our glee:

We were right behind one of the baskets, which meant we were given some of those inflatable tube things that you bang together when the apposing team is shooting free throws.

These games are events far beyond what is happening on the court. Everywhere we looked our eyes were filled with flashing lights, twirling streamers, jumbo-trons, Blazer Dancers, Blaze the Trail Cat, and screaming fans. I was extremely over stimulated for several hours.

The game was a complete blowout. At some point in the second quarter the Blazers had above a thirty point lead and pretty much held it there for the rest of the game. The final score was 113-83 Blazers. Incredible.
After the game we went and ate meat and veggie burgers w/ Tatter-tots, drank beer, and played pool. What an awesome night.
Song of the Day: Halcyon & on & on, Orbital. This song was on constant rotation on my stereo when I was in middle school.
1 comment:
thank you for teaching me what rip city means. let's go to basketball games more, okay??
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