My dad has created a happy little Mason Bee community in the tool shed in his back yard. Mason Bees are a group of species from the Megachilidae family that find there homes in reeds and other small holes, mortaring up the entrances with mud and clay.
As far as I can tell, we have two different species living back there. One is the Orchard Mason Bee and the other is…
These folks put on one of the best live shows I have ever seen. When I first saw them three years ago I thought it was just gonna be two dudes standing behind their turntables and drum machines fiddling nobs. Boy was I wrong. almost every instrument was played live, there where a half dozen vocalists, and the music was nonstop. Tonight's show exceeded my expectations left over from the first one.
Tonight had fourteen performers on stage, all of them fucking tearing it up. There were Rob Garza and Eric Hilton (the founding members), two percussionists (one of which also sang), two horn players, a bassist, a guitar/sitar player, a french singer from Iran, a Portuguese singer from Brazil, an American singing in English, a singer from Jamaica, and two singers from different parts of Africa. whoa.
They played FOUR encores! my ears are ringing right now, not so much from the music, but from the deafening crowd. I know bands on tour always say that whatever city they are in is the best, but all of the performerd seemed really sincere about it. The crowds enthusiasm raised several eyebrows and parted many grins on stage. There was a reason they had to add a second night in Portland; Portland loves them.
My dad and I had loads of fun. They play again tomorrow night. If you don't already have tickets to the sold out show, try getting some from scalpers at the door, it'll be worth it!
Song of the Day: Radio Retaliation, Thievery Corporation
1 comment:
Oh! I just remembered that my sister and her boyfriend deliver your Oregonian every night.
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