Monday, April 6, 2009

I am so ready for summer

as confirmed by today. It's still early in the term, which means I have things I could be doing, but nothing that I must be doing. So I took the day off. I mean, I did a few things that were required of me. But mostly I just slacked off in a glorious fashion. Tomorrow I hope to begin working on work. I have two back-to-back three hour classes in rooms with no windows. So, though I will miss the sun, I will not be dissuaded from work by the sight of it. This is the plan anyway.

Much of the Talking Heads oeuvre is, in my mind, synonymous with the warmer seasons (I'm listening to Little Creatures as I write this) So when I ran across this video today I threw up my hands and said "Yes!" It's a pretty sweet mix by some DJ I've never heard of before. Enjoy:

Song of the Day: See above video.

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