Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Good God Damn do I hate being sick. My 30+ hours without sleep on my return trip from Chicago started it all off. Since Sunday I have just been feeling worse and worse. Well, actually I think I may have plateaued around noon today. I took today off from school and lazed about feeling sorry for myself. I watched a lot of stand up comedy on youtube, which made me feel better, but also started coughing fits every time I laughed. Luis C.K. is a highly offensive man that I just couldn't stop laughing at. The man is goddamned funny.

Ooh! Katelyn just surprised me with some to-go house special wonton soup from Wong's King. She is the Best!

Anyway, don't get the flu. That is my advice to you.

Song of the Day: Your Koolest Smile, Flunk

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