Monday, March 9, 2009

State of the Eli Address

So right now I am going through some turmoil. Let's start with School:

A week ago I was stressing out hardcore about where I was in my classes. I rallied and put a lot of work into the Monotypes I was working on. I have three done. I think I will stop there and go back to some of the more normal projects I work on. I have 2.5 days until my critique and I feel pretty comfortable with where I am at. Now I just have to register for next term, which I am dreadfully behind in doing. I am not worried too much though. I have the trump card. It is the last term of my college career. The Prof. would have to be a HUGE dick to not let me into basically any class I want. Well, that's the hope anyway.

Housing: Though I am paying rent until the end of the month, I am moving out of my apartment next week. This is because I leave for Chicago on the 24th and get back the 29th. The very next day on the 30th I start spring term; I will not have time to move then. Because I don't solidly have a place lined up to move into, I will be staying with my folks for a little bit. sigh. Which is fine, I love my parents and love living in that house. It's just not ideal to move in with one's parents when 23 years old. And looking for a girlfriend. It will be good though. I will save a boat load of money on rent, and have less stress finding a new place to live. I tentatively have a place lined up, but I need to talk to them a bit more first before it is certain.

Love: Or the absence there of I should say. Goddamn I am lonely right now. It use to be hard to admit that, but right now it is so apparent that there is no point in denying it. I am going to try and ask a girl in my Tai Chi class out tomorrow. We will see how that goes. I am pretty sure that she is spoken for, and in my self doubting moments I would say that she is almost too attractive for me, but hey, what the hell, very little that is bad can come from it. Wish me luck!

I had a good night at Roots brew pub watching the Blazers completely destroy the Lakers. What a game. Roots makes some incredibly good organic beer. The Exxxcaliber Imperial Stout is highly recommended.

Song of the Day: La Goutte D'or, St, Germain


Tess said...

don't sell yourself short! you are awesome.

Anonymous said...

Do not worry, you are Gibson boy. Good will always come.