We had the final Critique in my Printmaking class today. It went alright. Nobody really said anything about my art, and they never do. Which can mean several things: 1)they don't like it 2)they don't get it 3) the art is so unbelievably awesome that they fear speech will ruin the divine act of looking upon my work. But, whatever, I am not very emotionally invested in any of the art I produced this term. I felt that I majorly slacked off but still produced quite a bit of work. This makes me rather disappointed in myself, for if I had engaged this term I would have produced a crap load of work.
On to the pictures (note, these are supremely shitty iPhone pics taken hastily so as to not block the view of other students. Most of these Prints are much nicer looking in real life, let it be known!):




Me (eli)

Her name escapes me

Waylon Solos (Ben)

Ross (that is not Ross in the photo. ha.)






From left to right: Aisha, Ross, Dan, Cassie (obscured), Eleanor, Amber, Alex

Ben talking trash

Fancy dresses.
Song of the Day: Don't Stop, Brazilian Girls
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