Here is a link to a website that I keep telling people to go to and no one ever does.

Boing Boing is a great website (technically a blog) that I get much of my useless/useful info about art/science/gadgets/politics/cool shit/etc from. I highly recommend it!
They are broken into three parts: Boing Boing The Mother Ship; Boing Boing Gadgets, which is pretty self explanatory; Boing Boing TV, a neat video feature that is new every weekday; and Boing Boing Offworld, a site dedicated fully to videogames, which I rarely check, but seems to deal primarily with independently made games.
So that's the run down. The important one to look at here is just the main page. If you like what you see, I recommend checking at least once a day. The content updates quite regularly.
Song of the Day: Rebirth Of Slick (Cool Like Dat), Digable Planets
I should listen to more of your songs of the day.
yes, yes you should.
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