With the Winter term wrapping up, I will soon be on spring break. Tomorrow I have my last tai chi fan dance class, final critique in Printmaking, and concluding Senior Art Seminar class (which will be a potluck!). This is good, I am glad to see this term go; it has been the single most unproductive quarter of my college career. I have been in a funk that has been hard to escape. Hopefully a fresh start will be the boost I need.
I found out yesterday that after this term I will need only
one more class to graduate. This is great news. I thought that I might need three or four more classes, but my adviser squished around some floating elective credits into empty spots. This leaves me needing four upper division art credits outside of my emphases, which means
any four hundred level art course that is not printmaking. Hell Yeah! I can't decide between a metals casting class, a
social practice class, or a class called Contemporary Studio Practice, which basically is a class where they give you a small studio space and allow you to work very hard on whatever you want. These all sound very fun to me.
My good friend Tyson is in China right now having fun. I am a little jealous. For those of you who may not know Tyson, imagine the doofiest goober in the world. Now multiply that by a few dozen. now you have Tyson. Here are some pictures of his shenanigans:
After eating sea horse on a stick in Beijing

Hearts in the Bird's nest Olympic Stadium

The great wall

Drunk on rice wine on the great wall

Drunken style Kung Fu on the great wall

PK bike gang sign.

I was able to have a brief Instant Message conversation with him today. He is doing well and having fun with his friends Robin and Steve. I have met both of them before and they seem like they would be great folks to travel with. Their plan as of right now is travel around China until they run out of money. I am crazy levels of envious.
Chicago is coming up quick and I haven't even begun to deal with the logistics of the trip. ugh. I have to pack, print an addition of twenty prints, and loads of other shit, all while moving out of my apartment. sigh.
I am gonna have SO MUCH FUN though. I am sure I will be super pumped to create all sorts of art when I come back. Which is very exciting.
Song of the Day: Cobbs Creek (Great Skate Remix), King Britt, featuring De La Soul