Saturday, November 13, 2010

Breakfast innovation

This morning I was lazy and felt like going to the diner and getting some pancakes. However, I didn't want to get dressed, nor spend the money. So I rallied, went to the kitchen, and created a breakfast masterpiece.

Now, what you are looking at may look like a burnt mushroom/basil/chevre omelet, but if you look closer, you will be able tell that the burn marks are, in fact, a thin layer of crisp fried prosciutto.

I started by laying down two thick-cut slices of prosciutto into the skillet, overlapping slightly at the edge. I then added chopped crimini mushrooms on top of the crackling meat, cooking them in the released fat. A few dollops of chevre, and a loose bunch of minced basil were added to the mushrooms while a whisked up a pair of eggs. I poured the eggs on top and quickly and continuously scooped up the egg dribbles that escaped over the edge of the prosciutto. After a moment waiting for the eggs to set, I folded the omelet over, sealing it closed.

The Prosciutto had a crisp snap as the fork bit through into the moist interior, and added a smokey meat flavor to the omelet. The presentation could use some work, but overall I am very pleased with this sudden spike of inspiration.

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