So, this band has been blowin' up all over the internet for the past week, and I've been following it every step of the way. I'm not sure what to say about them: they are South African. They're strange. They have attempted to mix Rave with Rap. . . I dunno. For all intents and purposes, I should not be at all interested in them, they are not actually producing good music, they are rapping about topics completely alien to me, and at times they are completely offensive.
But Goddamn they are really compelling. I can't stop listening to them. I can't wait for them to release their album $O$ later this month.
Here, this is a good, and hilarious, sample of what they are about:
Crazy, right? Anyway, I just thought I'd jump on the bandwagon and finally blog about it myself.
Song of the Day: Ninja, Die Antwoord
ummm...? this is awsome?
Yes! This IS awesome!
Do you think he knows how ironic that neck tattoo is?
Duuuuuuuuuuuude...I think I heard that on Z100 the other morning. Goes to show you that any fool with a drum machine and a wicked neck tatoo can rock it!
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