Check out this delicious snack I just made:
Ensalada de AguacateIngredients:
· 1 ripe avocado
· 1 juicy lime
· 1 small clove of garlic
· 1 drizzle of olive oil
· 1 mutable measurement of salt (read: to taste)
· some spices, I guess. I used a light dusting of smoked paprika
Thickly dice the Avocado. Juice that lime! Mince the heck outta' the garlic. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl gently. let it rest for a few minutes. Eat it with a fork, never with tortilla chips, 'cause at that point you should just mash it all up and eat it as guacamole.
This is the most bare-bones method of making it. Add some tomatoes, onions, cilantro, or whatever to jazz it up a bit. But frankly, It's quite good as described in the recipe above.