I believe that I am a reasonably smart fellow. Not brilliant, but certainly not stupid. Basically, I think I do alright in the brain department. But, without fail, if I am to be made to feel like a dummy, all that is needed is for me to play a board game with a map of a world on it. The playing field could be our world, a fictional world, or a map of many worlds, it doesn't matter. Whether it's Risk, Stratego, Settlers of Cattan, or Twilight Imperium, I am a complete mess. I just can't grock the rules of these games. Unfortunately, all of my friends love them.
There is something about the strategy and copious rules associated with these games that flummox me. I invariably end up glassy eyed and confused, my mind glazed over. I have to ask what I'm doing each round, seeking help from my opponents. I end up just sitting there while my friends play for me and I don't learn how to follow the progress.
Can't we just play dominoes?