Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hey there,

I'm still working for UKH Construction. Though, for a few months there it was extremely slow, and I thought I might starve. Luckily, as the Boss predicted, the Springtime has brought in several clients, new and old, and I am slowly recovering from my poverty. I keep feeling that I am actually getting good at my job, then I'll do something completely stupid, and feel like I'm back where I started. ah well, such is life.

During the slow period, I renewed my role as occasional fill in guy at elsa+sam with a weekly post on Tuesdays. Come visit me sometime! I'm there from 11am-6pm every week. See you soon.

My Brother and I have recently been hatching a scheme to do something really cool. We are trying to improve our life in a creative and productive way that will fulfill both our financial and emotional well-being. Manifest destiny and all that. Stay tuned for announcements as we figure out how to pull it off.

I finally, eight months after my bike wreck, have teeth in my head again. It was a six month process including countless dentist visits, several false starts, a disconcerting number of x-rays aimed at my head, one titanium screw and two precious metal/ceramic teeth, and thousands of my generous and caring parents' dollars. The teeth aren't perfect, but I no longer look like a Jack-O-Lantern.

Too, it's a beautiful day.

Song of the Day: Ya Mama, The Pharcyde


Niko said...

I have been working on the cool thing hardcore lately.

remigious said...

I look forward to hearing about your awesome plan. Also grats on the new teeth! Let's see some pictures!

Anonymous said...

Good to know things are coming together. Hope you and Niko get to pursue your dreams.